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A Woman So Bold

Twenty year old Landra Andrews is as brazen and unique as her first name. Although educated and well-connected, she is trapped by a dark secret from her past. She fears the rest of her life will be decidedly prosaic, until a dashing young man inherits a neighboring farm and sweeps her off her feet. 

William Cavendish is a second son from an old Southern family. A gentleman in conduct and an artist at heart, he sowed his wild-oats in the years he spent abroad and is ready to settle down. He is taken with well-spoken, headstrong Landra from their first meeting, and his heart for her only grows.


William seems to be everything Landra has dreamed of but never dared to believe she could have--handsome, kind, and well-bred--but when they are wed, she soon finds herself in all too familiar surroundings, toiling once more against land that won’t yield. Her restless spirit and iron will rebel against her discontent, and when a lover from her misspent youth returns, she finds herself torn between two very different men. Will the mistakes of her past destroy the hope of her future?

The power of Young's writing is an insight into the rural community and how people are affected by their living situations. Who the characters become is defined by the setting. Landra's story is a delicate landscape painted for the reader to enjoy.

-In D'Tale Magazine, 4.5* 

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