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My Top 5 Literary Love Scenes

In honor of prepping my sensual historical western romance for querying, I wanted to write about one of my favorite things: LOVE SCENES. Specifically my favorite ones in books.

As a romance writer, I like to consider myself a connoisseur of love scenes. Every writer knows how challenging it is to write both a good love scene and a good action scene! I am constantly honing the ones I write, partly because there's nothing more mortifying to me than an editor or agent saying that a love scene made them uncomfortable, but also because it's a challenge and a damn good time. You have to choose your words perfectly, avoid too much repetition and purple prose, avoid the ick factor, and still go for raw reality and sincerity. Because I know how much work goes into it, I definitely appreciate a well-written sexy time.

My first novel has two very different love scenes. One is a wedding night scene where I went for intimacy and sweetness, and the other takes place during a forbidden affair, so it's a bit more dirty, dark and torrid. I don't want to spoil scenes from my second novel, but let's just say it's a good bit more steamy, has more sex, and has both m/f and f/f love scenes. I'm super excited for readers to enjoy it.

So, without further ado, my favorite love scenes (from books):

1. Uprooted by Naomi Novik: Shockingly, this book is not a romance novel! It's a fantasy with romantic elements, and a gorgeously wrought novel that deserves all the praise it has garnered (pardon me while I fan-girl so hard). Feisty Agnieska becomes apprentice to snarky wizard Sarkan, and sparks fly as they fight a destructive evil that seeks to destroy the ancient forest and may overcome them both. The two love scenes in this book burn as hot as the fire in the heart trees. The first strikes the match, creating tension, and the second, which she makes you wait for, sets everything aflame. Add to this the fact that the two leads have magical powers that feed off and build upon one another and it is pure magic. A+

2. Atonement by Ian McEwan: Yep. That scene. Upper crust Celia falls for the son of her parent's gardeners in pre-WWII Britain, and tragedy ensues. The love scene between Celia and Robbie is flawless in its imagery and execution even as it establishes the conflict. Every detail is so memorable, even more if you've seen the movie. The letter. The green dress. The lip-biting. The bookshelf. Plus, it takes place in A LIBRARY. Try to keep it together, nerds.

3. Rosalyn's Ring by Alina K. Field: I read this Regency novella late at night when I was depressed and mostly I remember the scenes being fun and steamy and of the* virgin is deflowered by an experienced lover* variety. So if that's your thing, give this book a peep. It's a quick read.

4. 11/22/63 by Stephen King: Now, let me explain. King is known as the master of horror and not of romance for a reason. Don't get too attached to any of the relationships in his books. I'm still not over Susan Delgado and Roland. I'll never be over it. And some of his sex scenes are just plain awkward. We're not going to bring up the one you're thinking of from IT. NOPE, moving right along. But the love scenes between Jake and Sadie in this novel are perfect. So much love and healing and sweetness take place. Not to mention it's just a great book.

5. Captive Prince: Prince's Gambit by C.S. Pacat: Save the best for last, amirite? I honestly can't think of a love scene with more pay-off than the first consensual one in this series. Much more than your average slash fic, this series is a carefully-plotted and fast-paced love story. Virile, sincere Damen and cold, calculating, closed-off Laurent are an inimitable match. Sexual tension! Betrayal! Yards upon yards of laced up Veretian clothing! Naughty naughty bad deliciousness!

What are your favorite literary love scenes? Leave me a comment!

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