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Old Tomes & Teapots: Halloween Author Q&A

A warm welcome to queer fantasy, horror, and supernatural fiction author Stephanie Rabig!

1) What's the scariest novel or story you've ever read?

Short story: The Boogeyman, by Stephen King

Novel: Haunting of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson

2) Who is your favorite horror novelist?

Kealan Patrick Burke

3) Are you a fan of the horror genre or does it scare you too much?

Been a fan since I was too young to read most of the things I read (that'll teach dad for keeping his Stephen Kings on a low shelf) ;)

4) Do you plan to visit a haunted attraction this year?

Nope, I don't do well with getting startled in-person and would probably whack some poor worker in the face.

5) Have you ever seen a ghost or spirit, lived in a haunted house, or had another supernatural experience you feel comfortable sharing?

In high school, a friend of mine's brother passed away. Sometimes when we were downstairs, his old radio upstairs would turn on and slide back to his favorite station.

6) What's your favorite scary movie?

John Carpenter's The Thing.

7) Do you celebrate Halloween/have your costume picked out?

Yes, and not yet. It's been really hectic this year, but we do at least have some decorations up.

8) Have you ever written a story or novel with horror elements or spooky themes?

HAVE I. <3 I'm almost to submit-to-publisher stage with the Cryptids and Cauldrons series, which centers around a group of people who hunt supernatural beings for a living, and a lot of my non-horror books have some creepy elements sprinkled in.

9) Social/book links?

I'm on Twitter and Pinterest as @stephrabig. My website ( has links to my books and short stories.

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